Sunday, 17 February 2013

Renting a house in Ghana- J C Positive Initiatives

Renting a house in Ghana- J C Positive Initiatives. Most individuals and couples in Ghana have in one way or the other gone through some disturbing processes of acquiring a house to rent. It is no different for second timers who seek to change their place of abode after the expiration of their current rent agreement. You will consider yourself lucky if you get the right house, at the right place at the right time within your available budget. Most people are exploited by "estate agents" who charge them processing fees, take them from one house to another to waste their time and indirectly make money from transportation e.t.c. If you are lucky and they get the right house for you, mostly at the fifth attempt, you have to pay them 10% on the total rental cost instead of the approved 5%. J C Positive Initiatives has been set up to make life easier for clients looking for houses to rent. J C Positive Initiatives is more professional compared to the individual estate agents, we charge the approved 5% and also go beyond mere rental to providing financial assistance to rent a house.

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